[XHSA] Looking for new members
Xunlai Heroic Service Agents is looking for new blood.... Currently we have 26 people, most of us have been playing for atleast 4 years. [XHSA] is for players that are looking to complete there GW2 HoM rewards. Many of us currently are finished or nearing completion of 50/50 HoM... We do Hard Mode objectives together (Mission, Vanquishes, Dungeons, Ect). We are always happy to share our experiance with players putting in the effort to learn.
We have no hard requirements of players but there are some expectations. Players are generally expected to accomplish normal mode objectives on thier own. This is not a "give me guild" by any means... we do not give out hand outs and will not tollerate excessive begging and how much help you get when you directly request it will be directly related to how often you participate in guild outings... And for most, we like social people.
We also have a active kurzick allaince that also accomplishes common goal Hard Mode objectives that will be happy to take you along should you be interested in the objective.
If your interested in joining or just want to try us out... You may PM me "Mireles Lore" or any of the below officers.
Beyond Fang
Ally Paige
Holy Rella
Outcast Harmonix